Book Club Games and Activities for a Fun Gathering

Book clubs are more than just a gathering of avid readers; they are a social outlet, a place for discussions, and, above all, a source of enjoyment. While the primary focus remains on the books, incorporating games and activities can add an extra layer of fun and interaction to your book club gatherings. In this article, we'll explore various book club games and activities that can enhance the overall experience and make your meetings more memorable.

Literary Trivia

Kickstart your book club meeting with a literary trivia game. Create a list of questions related to the current or previous book selections, famous authors, literary quotes, or general book-related knowledge. Divide your members into teams and take turns asking questions. You can award points for correct answers and keep a running tally throughout the game.

Character Interviews

Choose a character from the book you've just read and have one member of the club act as an interviewer. Other members can take on the role of the character and answer questions as if they were the character themselves. This interactive activity not only deepens your understanding of the book but also adds a playful twist to your discussions.

Book Pictionary

Put your artistic skills to the test with a game of Book Pictionary. Select book titles or book-related phrases, write them on separate pieces of paper, and place them in a hat or bowl. One member starts by drawing clues for their chosen phrase while others guess what it is. You can set a time limit for each drawing to keep the game moving.

Book Cover Redesign

Unleash your creative side by redesigning the book covers of the books you've read. Provide members with art supplies or digital tools, and let them reimagine the cover art. This activity encourages members to express their interpretations of the book's themes and characters, sparking intriguing discussions.

Literary Scavenger Hunt

Plan a literary scavenger hunt with clues related to famous authors, book titles, or quotes hidden around the meeting space or online. Break your club into teams and have them race to find the answers. The team that completes the hunt first can earn a small prize or bragging rights.

Author Spotlight

Devote a meeting to a particular author instead of a book. Each member can select a work by that author to read and discuss. You can also organize a "pop quiz" to see who knows the most about the author's life, works, and writing style. This activity provides a comprehensive exploration of an author's body of work.

Blind Date with a Book

Encourage your book club members to pick a book for someone else in the group. Wrap the chosen book in plain paper, leaving only a few hints or keywords about the book's content on the cover. During the meeting, each member reveals their "blind date" book, and the recipient discusses their thoughts and feelings about the surprise selection.

Read and Watch

Combine literature with movie adaptations by reading a book and watching its film version. Afterward, engage in a lively discussion comparing the two. Which did members prefer, the book or the movie? How well did the film capture the essence of the story?


Book club games and activities can infuse an extra dose of fun and engagement into your regular gatherings. By incorporating these interactive elements, your book club members can deepen their connections, spark more animated discussions, and create lasting memories. Click here remember that while the books are the core of your club, the games and activities serve as the glue that binds your members together in a shared love of reading. So, get creative, have fun, and elevate your book club experience to new heights.


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